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Very reinforces customer loyalty with personalised, ‘shoppable’ lookbook videos

Videos Generated
Weekly Product Recommendations
Email CTR

The Challenge

Very, a large online fashion retailer, wanted to find a more effective way to communicate with their customers through email marketing.

Additionally, Very wanted to measure the power of personalised video in driving engagement, versus their current generic newsletter.

The Solution

Using Spirable, Very easily created a dynamic template for personalised birthday videos, featuring recommendations based on a customers profile and featuring a special offer.

Through the Spirable platform, Very was able to generate and distribute thousands of birthday videos tailored to individuals in an automated fashion.

The Result

Through Spirable, Very surprises and delights their customers with highly personalised videos; as seen by a 4X increase in their email click-through rates. Over 600,000 dynamic videos with personalised product recommendations have been generated to date.

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