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British Airways drives brand loyalty and upsell

Completed Video Views
CTR from Video to Purchase Page
Increase in Email CTR

The Challenge

British Airways wanted to drive engagement among existing customers using personalised travel guide videos.

To achieve this, British Airways required a solution to easily and efficiently create tailored, data-driven videos, which could then be distributed using their CRM system.
BA Case Study

The Solution

Using Spirable, British Airways was able to repurpose their existing creative assets together with Spirable’s dynamic video templates and data to generate personalised travel guide videos. These were delivered across Facebook and via email to their customers

Each video featured a personalised greeting, the number of travel reward points (including the possible savings made from using these), recommended locations and demographic data.

British Airways

The Result

Through the Spirable platform, British Airways was able to efficiently create, automate and distribute compelling, personalised travel guide videos at scale.

The highly effective strategy doubled email CTR and saw 71% of customers watching the entire video, this led to a CTR of 12% from the video to the purchase page.

Overall, the strong conversion rate showcased personalised video as a key tool for the British Airways team, driving customer loyalty and bookings.

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